Promotional Material - Online Presence, Artist Statement, CV

Online Art Presence On instagram I have an account called @fdacharlotte where I frequently post updates on what I have been doing at college. I've found this to be a great way to get feedback and support from people I know as well as strangers, and I enjoy using this platform to discover new artists too. These are some screenshots from my page: In addition to this, I have a more personal account where I post non-college related art and promote items that I sell on etsy and I use hashtags to reach a wider audience. Artist Statement (3rd Person) Charlotte Walker works in an organic illustrative style to create pieces that embody a sweet and sinister dynamic, which is informed by her conflicting fascinations with both horror and cuteness. Drawing, watercolour, stitch and ceramics are some of her favourite mediums to use, making 2D as well as 3D works that disturb and endear. Nature and the grotesque are a significant source of inspiration for her art with an appreciation for different...