Sky Mirror - Anish Kapoor

†his public art piece offers a literal new perspective on the city of Nottingham and encourages the public to engage with it as they see their own distorted reflections in the mirror. The abstract nature of the piece renders it inoffensive and neutral. As an object, it doesn't relate to Nottingham in anyway, so it can be placed anywhere in the world in any context and the location is what becomes the focal point. It cost £900,000 and other mirrored sculptures have been installed in places such as Chicago and Wall Street.

The piece is clearly durable and has been there for 20 years without looking outdated or aged. I think the choice of the reflective surface naturally gains the work a lot of attention due to our strange fascination with shiny objects and our childish instincts, but personally I don't find it very exciting especially for the amount of money it cost. I think the object contrasts massively with the old fashioned architecture styles of the surrounding buildings but the reflections create a link between history and modern times.


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